SQL/MP errors

The SQL/MP screens may display various SQL error codes, with 4060 as the most common.  The appearance of these codes may indicate a discrepancy in the SQL catalog itself.  MOMI assumes that the catalog structure and data within the catalog has full integrity.


In the PC Client, on the SQL/MP / Catalog screen, the column Status Message shows an error code if a simple query of that catalog fails.  Any Status Message displayed here indicates that MOMI will have problems with SQL/MP reporting.  This is the first place to check and perhaps identify the catalog in question.


We suggest consulting with your Database Administrator (DBA) if you have any integrity issues with your SQL/MP catalogs.


Below are some additional steps you can perform to check your catalog integrity.  From a TACL prompt:




2) Volume to this location.




4) The first column (CATALOGNAME) in the output consists of all of the catalogs on your system registered to SQL.  For each of those entries do a fileinfo of the $vol.subvol.*


5) If a $vol.subvol is listed in the CATALOGS table that does not exist, or does not contain SQL catalog objects, an inconsistency is present.  Consult with your DBA and/or HP to resolve the problem.


If your SQL/MP catalogs do not show a problem, please send us an email with a screen shot and description of the SQL/MP error encountered.