Files / DiskOpen Entity
The Files / DiskOpen Entity screen presents the MEASURE DiskOpen entity.
The MEASURE DiskOpen entity is I/O activity on a file from an opener
process perspective. One
entry is present for every open to a file.
The MEASURE DiskOpen entity does not store the Opener Process Name,
only the Opener CPU and Opener PIN . The
Opener Process Name column is derived by looking up the current process
name at the CPU &
PIN currently running at that location.
This is an approach to consider when diagnosing disk drive performance issues:
- Drill down starting at the volume level, working
down sequentially through the DiskFile, DiskOpen and finally to the process
- Starting from the Disk Entity screen, click on
a volume and select DiskFile Entity to see all of the active files on
the disk.
- On an entry on the DiskFile Entity screen, click
to select DiskOpen Entity which displays all of the processes accessing
the file.
- On an entry on the DiskOpen screen, click on the
Opener Process Name to view Process Detail of the opener process of that
file. (you
can also click on the File Name to view the File Entity which provides
different I/O counters).