(server version 4.16 or later)

SNTP-UPDATE-INTERVAL  <hours>                             (Default = 1)            


Specifies the frequency that MOMI accesses the NTP server to obtain a network time.  The NTP server provides a network time source and MOMI uses this to determine if the System time should be adjusted.   


The frequency of access has a minimum value of 1 hour and a maximum value of 744 hours (which is approximately 1 month).  A value less than the minimum is set to the minimum.  A value over the maximum is set to the maximum.


The time when MOMI begins the time update process is approximately an LCT multiple of the value specified here. What this means is if a value of 24 is specified, i.e. update every 24 hours, MOMI begins its processing of updating the system time at 12:00 am. If the value of 2 is specified, time update processing occurs at 12:00 am. 2:00 am, 4:00 am and so on. The time update processing may take several minutes so any adjustment will not be on the multiple, but usually the same number of few minutes after the multiple.




SNTP-UPDATE-INTERVAL 48               == check NTP server every 2 days   



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