HST01DB-HISTORY-DUMP <seconds> (default = 120) 2 minutes
HST02DB-HISTORY-DUMP <seconds> (default = 600) 10 minutes
HST03DB-HISTORY-DUMP <seconds> (default = 3600) 1 hour
HST04DB-HISTORY-DUMP <seconds> (default = 86400) 1 day
Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) that history data is dumped to disk. This value determines the 'window' of time that the history statistics represent.
Depending on the system capacity, the default values are rather conservative.
A value of zero turns history dumping off.
The value entered here will effectively still be a multiple of the raw data collection time, which defaults to 10 seconds.
hst01db-history-dump 30 == dump HST01 every 30 seconds
hst02db-history-dump 120 == dump HST02 every 2 minutes