IO-STUCK-EXCLUDE-n     (server version 4.06 or later)

IO-STUCK-EXCLUDE-n  <object-file-name-pattern>        (Default = none)          


Specifies object file names to exclude from the determination if a process is 'stuck' in an I/O.


Processes with object files located in $SYSTEM.SYSTEM and $SYSTEM.SYSnn are excluded automatically.


A process which remains in a wait state of %004, and is not consuming any processor time (i.e. no CPU busy time), may possibly be caught in some sort of I/O which is not completing.  This may or may not indicate a problem.


Multiple file names may be specified when more than one object file is in use, such as during a version upgrade.  A file name pattern may also be specified.                                  


The n in the parameter name provides a means to create unique parameter names.  Up to 9 object file names may be specified.       



IO-STUCK-EXCLUDE-1 $DATA1.DEVEL.FREDOBJ     == exclude fredobj                     

    IO-STUCK-EXCLUDE-2 $*.*.PRODCATB            == exclude prodcatb