Processes / All Processes



The Processes / All Processes screen presents a comprehensive detail of each process requested.  The detail provided is generally everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask!  The information is obtained by Guardian procedure calls.


The AutoUpdate check box causes automatic request of new data.


By default, pressing the request button will gather and report all processes on the System.   While the data can be filtered and sorted as needed, the Config button allows the User to partially qualify the desired data.



Limits entered on the Config Options pop-up require that the information return match the specified criteria.  This reduces the information collected and speeds up the request.


Once data is retrieved, it may also be organized in a Tree View fashion.  Pressing the Tree button displays the following:




The organization items allow relationships to be better viewed.  For example, displaying data by Descendants presents a hierarchy of the order of process creation.




The Tree View is based on the information gathered from running processes.  Processes referenced in a hierarchy that are no longer active may cause gaps in the Tree View  (i.e. a process may refer to an ancestor no longer running).


The Find button allows searching for text within the Tree View.  This can be useful on large systems with a great deal of data..