Alarm Overview

MOMI Alarms are the ability to set thresholds and trigger notifications.


An Alarm definition is unique for each threshold monitored but the Alarm also references a reusable monitor time and action record.  By default, an Alarm is monitored continuously and generates a red message on the Active Alarms screen.


Creation of an Alarm generally follows the sequence of entering a unique name, description, selection of an Entity Type and Sub-type, setting thresholds, entering entity name(s), selecting the Times to monitor and Action to take.  If a desired Times or Action record does not already exist, the View button may be pressed to jump to the appropriate Define screen to create the record and then push Back to continue with the Alarm Definition.


Alarm Security

By default, only the user that started the MOMI server is allowed to configure an Alarm.  This may be changed and expanded to other users by activating Client Access.


CONFMOMI keywords


One of the available Actions to an Alarm is the generation of Email.


Email requires an external SMTP server (i.e. outgoing email) and the return Email address.  The following must be defined in the CONFMOMI file to enable Email:






To override the default, this keyword determines the TCP/IP process used to communicate with the SMTP server:





Some SMTP servers require the HELO sequence:





The default subject line of a MOMI Alarm generate is altered by:





Common screen items


Definition screens usually have several common commands:



Display causes the selected record to appear.


Save New creates a record.  If a record with the same name is already present, an error is displayed.


Change updates an existing record.  If a record with the same name does not exist, an error is displayed.


Delete removes an existing record.